Киберэтнография виртуального сообщества: анализ туристского форума
Для цитирования
Рождественская Е. Ю., Семенова В. В. Киберэтнография виртуального сообщества: анализ туристского форума // Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация. 2014. Том 6. № 7. С. 22-43.
В статье авторы представляют результаты киберэтнографического исследования турсообщества «Форума Винского». Опираясь на предшествующий опыт исследователей, авторы подробно прорабатывают категориальный аппарат, связанный с понятием виртуального сообщества — что такое виртуальное сообщество сегодня? Как оно устроено изнутри? Какие функции выполняет? Эмпирическая часть статьи представляет собой плотное аналитическое описание виртуальной жизни сообщества «Форума Винского». В выводах своего исследования авторы рассматривают возможности виртуального турсообщества с позиции современного рынка услуг.
Ключевые слова:
киберэтнография, виртуальное сообщество, онлайн, форум
Armstrong A., Hagel J. The real value of оn-line communities//Harvard Business Review. 1996. MayJune. P. 134–141.
Armstrong A., Hagel J. Net gain: Expanding markets through virtual communities. MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
Acquisti A., Gross R. Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook//6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies. UK: Springer-Verlag, 2006. P. 36–58.
Ackrich M. From Communities of Practice to Epistemic Communities: Health Mobilizations on the Internet. Sociological Research Online, 201315 (2). URL: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/15/2/10.
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Baym N. K. The emergence of community in computer- mediated communication//CyberSociety: Computer-mediated communication and community/ed by S. G. Jones. L.: Sage, 1995. P. 138–163.
Bell D. An introduction to cybercultures. London: Routledge, 2001.
Cothrel J., Williams R. L. Online communities: Helping them form and grow//Journal of Knowledge Management. 1999. March. URL: http://www.grg.com/online/pd. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Dobusch L., Quack S. Epistemic communities and social movement: transnational Dynamics in the Case of Creative Commons. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies//Discussion paper. 08.08.2008.
Fernback J., Thompson B. Virtual communities: Abort, retry, failure? 1995. URL: http://www.well.com/user/hlr/texts/vccivil.html. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Frias D. M., Rodriguez M. A, Castaneda J. A. Internet vs. travel agencies on pre-visit destination image formation: An information processing view//Tourism Management. 2008. № 29. P. 163–179.
Haas P. M. Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination//International Organization. 1992. Vol. 46. №. 1. P. 1–35.
Tourism and Migration: New Relationships between Production and Consumption/ed by C. M. Hall, A. Williams. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002.
Jacobson D. Doing Research in Cyberspace//Field Methods. 1999. November. № 11 (2). P. 127–145.
Jones S. Studying the Net: Intricacies and issues//Doing Internet research/ed by S. Jones. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage, 1999, P. 1–27.
Kozinets R. V. E-tribes and marketing: Virtual communities o consumption and their strategic marketing implications. 1999. URL: http://www.kellogg.nwu.edu/faculty/kozinets/htm/Research/Virtual/
e-tri- bes.htm. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Lave J., Wenger E. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Meyer M., Molyneux-Hodgson S. The Dynamics of Epistemic Communities//Sociological Research Online. 2010. № 15 (2). P. 14. URL: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/15/2/14.html Дата обращения
Mann Ch., Stewart F. Internet Communication and Qualitative Research//A Handbook for Researching Online. L.: Sage, 2000.
Pine J. B., Pine II, B. J., Gilmore J. H. The experience economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.
Powers M. How to program a virtual community. CA: Ziff -Davis Press, 1997.
Preece J. Online communities: Designing usability, supporting sociability. Chichester: Wiley, 2000.
Rheingold H. A slice of life in my virtual community//Global networks: Computers and international communication/ed by L. M. Harasim. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994. P. 57–80.
Rybas N., Gajjala R. Developing Cyberethnographic Research Methods for Understanding Digitally Mediated Identities//FORUM: QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH AND SOZIALFORSCHUNG. Vol. 8. № 3.
Art. 35. 2007. September.
Rosenblatt B. Virtual communities: The benchmark for success online? 1997. URL: http://www.sunworld.com/swol-04-bookshelf.html Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Yeoman О., Brass D., McMahon-Beattie U. Current issue in tourism: The authentic tourist//Tourism Management. 2007. № 28. Р. 1128–1138.
Schuler D. New Community Networks: Wired for Change. New York: ACM/Addison-Wesley, 1996.
Shelton K., McNeeley T. Virtual communities companion. Albany, N. Y.: The Coriolis Group, Inc. Shneiderman, 1997.
Smith M. A., Kollock P. Communities in cyberspace. New York: Routledge, 1999.
Sterne J. Thinking the Internet: Cultural studies versus the millennium//Internet research: Critical issues and methods for examining the Net/ed by Steve Jones. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999. P. 257–288.
Werry C. Imagined electronic community: Representations of virtual community in contemporary business discourse//First Monday. 1999. № 4 (9). URL: http://fi rstrstmonday.org/issues/issue49/werry/
index.html. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Wenger E. Communities of Practice and Social Learning Systems//Organization. 2000. Vol. 7 (2), P. 225–246.
Wilmott M., Nelson W. Complicated lives: Sophisticated consumers, intricate lifestyles and simple solutions. Chichester: Wiley, 2003.
Armstrong A., Hagel J. Net gain: Expanding markets through virtual communities. MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
Acquisti A., Gross R. Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook//6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies. UK: Springer-Verlag, 2006. P. 36–58.
Ackrich M. From Communities of Practice to Epistemic Communities: Health Mobilizations on the Internet. Sociological Research Online, 201315 (2). URL: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/15/2/10.
html. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Baym N. K. The emergence of community in computer- mediated communication//CyberSociety: Computer-mediated communication and community/ed by S. G. Jones. L.: Sage, 1995. P. 138–163.
Bell D. An introduction to cybercultures. London: Routledge, 2001.
Cothrel J., Williams R. L. Online communities: Helping them form and grow//Journal of Knowledge Management. 1999. March. URL: http://www.grg.com/online/pd. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Dobusch L., Quack S. Epistemic communities and social movement: transnational Dynamics in the Case of Creative Commons. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies//Discussion paper. 08.08.2008.
Fernback J., Thompson B. Virtual communities: Abort, retry, failure? 1995. URL: http://www.well.com/user/hlr/texts/vccivil.html. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Frias D. M., Rodriguez M. A, Castaneda J. A. Internet vs. travel agencies on pre-visit destination image formation: An information processing view//Tourism Management. 2008. № 29. P. 163–179.
Haas P. M. Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International Policy Coordination//International Organization. 1992. Vol. 46. №. 1. P. 1–35.
Tourism and Migration: New Relationships between Production and Consumption/ed by C. M. Hall, A. Williams. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002.
Jacobson D. Doing Research in Cyberspace//Field Methods. 1999. November. № 11 (2). P. 127–145.
Jones S. Studying the Net: Intricacies and issues//Doing Internet research/ed by S. Jones. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage, 1999, P. 1–27.
Kozinets R. V. E-tribes and marketing: Virtual communities o consumption and their strategic marketing implications. 1999. URL: http://www.kellogg.nwu.edu/faculty/kozinets/htm/Research/Virtual/
e-tri- bes.htm. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Lave J., Wenger E. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Meyer M., Molyneux-Hodgson S. The Dynamics of Epistemic Communities//Sociological Research Online. 2010. № 15 (2). P. 14. URL: http://www.socresonline.org.uk/15/2/14.html Дата обращения
Mann Ch., Stewart F. Internet Communication and Qualitative Research//A Handbook for Researching Online. L.: Sage, 2000.
Pine J. B., Pine II, B. J., Gilmore J. H. The experience economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.
Powers M. How to program a virtual community. CA: Ziff -Davis Press, 1997.
Preece J. Online communities: Designing usability, supporting sociability. Chichester: Wiley, 2000.
Rheingold H. A slice of life in my virtual community//Global networks: Computers and international communication/ed by L. M. Harasim. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994. P. 57–80.
Rybas N., Gajjala R. Developing Cyberethnographic Research Methods for Understanding Digitally Mediated Identities//FORUM: QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH AND SOZIALFORSCHUNG. Vol. 8. № 3.
Art. 35. 2007. September.
Rosenblatt B. Virtual communities: The benchmark for success online? 1997. URL: http://www.sunworld.com/swol-04-bookshelf.html Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Yeoman О., Brass D., McMahon-Beattie U. Current issue in tourism: The authentic tourist//Tourism Management. 2007. № 28. Р. 1128–1138.
Schuler D. New Community Networks: Wired for Change. New York: ACM/Addison-Wesley, 1996.
Shelton K., McNeeley T. Virtual communities companion. Albany, N. Y.: The Coriolis Group, Inc. Shneiderman, 1997.
Smith M. A., Kollock P. Communities in cyberspace. New York: Routledge, 1999.
Sterne J. Thinking the Internet: Cultural studies versus the millennium//Internet research: Critical issues and methods for examining the Net/ed by Steve Jones. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999. P. 257–288.
Werry C. Imagined electronic community: Representations of virtual community in contemporary business discourse//First Monday. 1999. № 4 (9). URL: http://fi rstrstmonday.org/issues/issue49/werry/
index.html. Дата обращения 10.03.2014.
Wenger E. Communities of Practice and Social Learning Systems//Organization. 2000. Vol. 7 (2), P. 225–246.
Wilmott M., Nelson W. Complicated lives: Sophisticated consumers, intricate lifestyles and simple solutions. Chichester: Wiley, 2003.
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Другие форматы цитирования:
Рождественская, Е. Ю., & Семенова, В. В. (2014). Киберэтнография виртуального сообщества: анализ туристского форума. Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация, 6(7), 22-43. извлечено от https://inter-fnisc.ru/index.php/inter/article/view/4379
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